
08 November 2011

Medicine isn't simple (imagine that)

Stumbled upon this last week: Why Steve Jobs' Magic Doesn't Work in Medicine

My readings and ruminations regarding drugs and medicine have resulted in the notion that "surely if I just eat the right things, exercise, etc. I won't be battling ________ (fill in with heart disease, obesity, or any other rampant health condition) when I get older."

While in the back of my head I know that it can't be as simple as that, the belief arose out of the frustrations around the fact that we make and take drugs to address the side effects of other drugs. Obviously, medicine is sooo complicated and there are always unexpected consequences for the so-called solutions our industry manufactures. Rather than continue to delve deeper and deeper into the biology of it all, why don't we just get back to basics?

But, I the article and tell me what you think.

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